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Emergencies Services

Tofield Detachment (780) 662-3353
5515 49 St, Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
Emergencies: 9-1-1

Beaver Emergency Services Commission
4920 – 53 Avenue
Phone: (780)336-3041  Fax: (780)336-3047
Located in the basement of the Town of Viking OfficesBESC Office hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Closed during lunch 12:00-1:00 p.m.)
*closed Saturday, Sunday and all statutory holidays
Emergencies: 9-1-1

Beaver Emergency Medical Services
5543-44 St, Box 1200, Tofield, AB   T0B 4J0
Ph (780)662-6352  Fax (780)662-6378
Emergencies: 9-1-1
Beaver Emergency Medical Services (Beaver EMS) provides ambulance services to the Town of Tofield and Town of Viking, and the Villages of Ryley and Holden, as well as all residents and visitors within Beaver County. The ambulances are based at the stations in Tofield and Viking and are dispatched through Alberta Health Services by calling 911. Beaver EMS provides Advanced Life Support response to all ambulance calls since all units are staffed by Advanced Care Paramedics and Primary Care Paramedics.

The Beaver EMS administration office is located at the ambulance station in Tofield, across the parking lot from Tofield Health Centre (5543-44 street). For any non-emergency inquiries, call (780)662-6352, or email, or if you have an emergency, call 911.  For more information on Beaver EMS, go to

Gas, Power, Water & Telecommunications

Utilities Consumer Advocate
Visit to compare electricity and gas prices in your area, view historical rates, or get help resolving utility related issues.

Gas Provider
ATCO Gas 780-420-5585

Power Provider
Epcor Power 780-310-4300

Water Provider
Highway 14 Regional Water Services Commission 780-663-2019
Toll Free 1-866-333-3791

Power Lines
Fortis Alberta 310-WIRE (9473)

Telecommunications & Broadband
Telus 1-888-811-2323
Bell 1-866-301-1942
Rogers 1-866-210-4059
MCS Net 1-866-390-3928
CCI Wired 1-844-642-2224
Shaw 1-888-472-2222
VM Systems (780) 632-2859

Sanitary Sewer & Waste

Sanitary Sewer and Waste Collection are billed annually at the beginning of the year through the Ryley Municipal Office. For any inquiries on sanitary sewer or waste collections please contact us 780-663-3653.

Waste Facility
Claystone Waste Ltd
Office (780)663-2038
Landfill (780)663-3888
Box 322, Ryley, AB T0B 4A0
Office Location, 50117 Rge Rd 173 (north of Ryley, on Sec. Hwy. 854)