Bethel Lutheran Church
5004-52 Avenue, Box 164, Ryley, Alberta, T0B 4A0
Pastor: Ferdinand (Fred) Tober
Pastor Tober’s telephone number is 780 466-2382
Worship services: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month with communion on the 1st Sunday of each month. The Pastor takes holidays the month of July, so there are no worship services during that time.
Annual events include quilting and Mothers’ Day strawberry tea.
Church council meets quarterly with additional meetings as required during the year. For more information call chairperson, Marilyn Bruha, at 780-662-2061.
Everyone is welcome to attend Worship Services.
Bethel Lutheran Church celebrated their 100th anniversary of the inauguration of the congregation in 2008.
Good News Community Church
5318-51 Street, Ryley, Alberta, T0B 4A0
Pastor: Mark Bueckert
Telephone number 780-663-3664
Sunday Service-11:00.
Sunday School (all ages)-9:30
Awana Kids Club (K-6)-Thursday 6:30 p.m.
Youth Group (Gr. 7-12)-Friday 7 p.m.
Awana (Starting first Thursday in October)
What is Awana? Awana is a bible based children’s program. At Awana children will enjoy a safe and fun environment where they will enjoy a game’s time, story time and singing each week.
When is Awana? Awana is each Thursday evening at the Good News Church from 6:30 to 8:00pm.
Who can go to Awana? Awana is for children from kindergarden to grade 6.
Youth Group
What happens at Youth Group? At Youth Group teens will enjoy a wide range of activities from Soccer Rugby, capture the flag, and other outside games to movie night and youth concerts. Each night at Youth there is a time of singing and a devotional time where the teens will hear about God from the bible and we also make time for small group discussions about the joys and struggles facing teens and how God is there for us.
When is Youth? Youth Group is each Friday evening at the Good News Church from 7:00 to 10:00pm.
Who can come to Youth? Students, grade 7 to 12 are welcome!
If you need more information on Awana or Youth Group please call Pastor Mark at (780)663-3664.
Our Mission: The purpose of the Good News Community Church is to encourage and equip believers in their walk with God, to provide avenues by watch people will be the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be a community of believers which displays the joy and presence of the Lord in every circumstance!
Good News Community Church is an evangelical Christian church affiliated with Village Missions of Canada.
The Ryley Seventh-day Adventist Church
Located on the corner of 49th street and 55th avenue.
If we can be of service, please feel free to contact us at (780)663-2299 or (780)889-3776. Your also invited to join us at the church every Wednesday at 7:30pm for Bible study as well as Saturday morning at 9:50am for Bible Study and at 11:15am for the Worship Service.
Total Life Christian Centre – Interdenominational
5712-56 St.
Pastor: Doug Dodds 780-663-3636
Contact: 780-663-3998 Church
Sunday Moring Service 10 am and Sunday Evening Service 6 pm. Advertise for any special services.